Worldwide Shipping Available / Walk-in Customers Welcome
Worldwide Shipping Available / Walk-in Customers Welcome
Texas & Louisiana:
The season typically begins the last week of October and ends the last week of July.
Here at Kris'es, we try to have crawfish all year, so we ship in crawfish from California typically for August and September.
Texas & Louisiana:
Typically the season is from late Spring to late Fall months, while the water is still warm.
Typically the season opens in mid-August and closes mid-December. With smaller shrimp, the season can start as early as April.
The season can typically last all year.
The season is usually from April through November.
Texas & Louisiana:
The season Typically begins in September and lasts through April.
Prince Edward Island:
The season is typically from June to September.
Usually catfish is produced all year long.
Typically this season lasts from the Summer through the early Fall months.
Typically Black Drum is caught when the water is cold during the Winter. It can also be caught during the Fall and Summer months.
Typically this is only a Summer fish. It's caught in low quantities during the Winter.
Northeast America & Canada
Usually the season starts around the end of May and ends in January.
Florida Gulf
The season begins in July and ends in mid-December.
The season depends on when the ice breaks in the Bering Sea. It's typically Spring through late Summer.
This is typically a Fall and Winter item. The season begins in mid-October and ends at the end of April.
Live #2 Female/Male Blue Crabs